Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So chilly...hope it's burning more cals...

I promise this'll be a short one. Mostly because I'm cold and I need to get to work on handling all kinds of little errands before we'll be ready to leave for Minnesota. Tomorrow!!! :D

I thought I'd update with my activity/progress for the day. I'll try to do this more often, if not for the entertainment/amusement of my reader(s), then at least for my own records.

Weighed this morning...Unfortunately, 137.0.
Calories consumed as of 12:37 PM - 569
Goal for the day - 1000-1200
Calories burned at the gym today - 730


Off to the ((cold)) shower, then to the bank, then back home to pack, then to my mom's house. Lots of little, menial tasks in between.

Fun, fun.

Here's to putting a face to the name. I don't care anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a delightful and safe trip! I am also getting ready for a trip home (for a whole month) much to pack! Anyway, it seems that you have had a rough few days, and I hope it gets better for you soon.
    Have a wonderful day!
